How to earn from poetry

For a very long period of time, I believed that one cannot earn from poetry for a number of reasons. First, publishing companies are no longer interested in publishing poetry books. Why? This is because there are a few people who buy them. To understand what I mean let me ask you a question. How many poetry books have you bought this year? If you have bought two or more congratulation. If you have not bought any book, then you can understand that many others are not buying poetry books. People now read poetry online. Publishing houses now concentrate on publishing academic books. A few companies that publish poetry books, will ask you to pay half-down or more of the publishing cost. And how many of us can do that? With these statistics, only a few dedicated poets keep on writing poetry because they enjoy doing it. However, we always want to see our work published by a reputable company. Have I sounded too pessimistic? I am writing from experience. I have interacted with s...